Oct 1, 2024
I am not participating in NaNoWriMo this year, despite really wanting to.
You probably know this by now, but the organization took a stance that banning the use of generative AI is somehow ableist.
Excuse me, what?
As someone who does my best to be an advocate, whatever that word means, for disabilities, this is utter nonsense. Creative works are... y'know... supposed to be created...? If you're not able to write or type normally, alternative tools already exist for many disabilities. But you're still supposed to be creating it? It pains me to write this out, it should be obvious.
I cannot separate the art from the artist. I want to appreciate the process that was undertaken in a creative work. I don't care if your story is a NYT bestseller or just plain text on a tiny website only two people have ever seen. In fact, I'd probably like the latter more. I don't care if your song has 10 million plays on Spotify or just 10. Just give me actual art that was produced with the love and care of an actual brain.
Anyway, I will still be trying to write 50,000 words this year, but I'll do it in October instead.
Also, AI stuff just reads like garbage.